When I talk to organizations about living out core values in every area of the business, it’s really because I care deeply about internal staff and I want them to know that the company they work for stands for something bigger. Whether it was great customer service or quality products, knowing that my past employers stood for something always inspired me.
But it’s also because I believe it’s part of my role as a communicator. While every single employee has a part to play, I don’t think there’s anyone better positioned to serve as a trusted accountability advisor than communications professionals. We touch every department (or should) and we must always stay on top of what’s happening in the world that could impact the brand – good and bad.
It’s important for us to guide organizations to engage (or re-engage) with their core values in tangible ways not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it empowers and reminds people to make decisions that are in the best interest of the business. Plus, the world is watching. If you’re not walking the talk, they notice now more than ever.
So how do we do that?
Be brave and speak up! Challenge the idea that a company says they value X, but doesn’t have an embedded policy and/or practice that demonstrates what that core value looks like in the real world.
You know…where people are actually interacting with one another.😏
Brainstorm and document the behaviors the company’s staff should exhibit! Work with them to discuss what it looks like when they engage with customers, and especially which kinds of partners they’ll enlist – and remember to involve staff in all of this. By involving staff, you help to ensure that the core values are agreed-upon and have buy-in among teams at every level.
Back it up! If you find that an initiative, a decision, an employee, board member, or partner is exhibiting behaviors that don’t align with the organization’s core values, share why and the risks to the brand.
As a trusted advisor, you’re the perfect person to help them identify the gaps where they may not be walking the talk of core values. And when you have tangible examples of how the organization is living them out, you’ll be so much more comfortable planning ways to connect with and move internal and external stakeholders to take action!
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Want to know more about how I can help you help organizations stay true to their core values? Book a free 30-minute strategy call with me. We’ll talk about how I use corporate messaging sessions as a strategic service to achieve this, and how I can teach the process to you so you can use premium, high-paying services to add greater value to the companies or clients you support.