Lessons for PR Pros From My Travels Abroad

My family and I spent two marvelous weeks in Japan this summer. The food was amazing, the style was top-tier, and the people were wonderful and warm.  It was an unforgettable experience to share with my husband and children. There was so much about each city we visited that inspired me–even down to the way they pruned their trees! 

I visited traditional ryokans and walked through meticulously maintained gardens.  While I was definitely able to unplug during the trip, I couldn’t help making parallels between the serene, beautifully curated spaces I enjoyed and the world of strategic communications.

I was impressed with the great degree of intentionality and care I witnessed in so many aspects of Japanese culture, and it reminded me of the level of thoughtfulness and purpose we must always apply to the practice of public relations as PR Pros. 

That means…

  • Planning well, using time-honored frameworks like R.P.I.E.
  • Being intentional about “going macro” so we understand the big picture and ensure our work aligns and supports organizational goals
  • Monitoring and evaluating our progress on a regular basis so we can adjust when needed and keep our plans thriving and on track

PRO TIP— Save this list by taking a screenshot or jotting down those bullets!

Summer is ending and vacations will soon be a distant memory, but I’ll continue to advocate for a strategic communications approach grounded in purpose and intentionality.

It’s a point of view reflected in the Strategic Communicators Collective I started with a small group of founding members. They’ve been on this journey with me for the past two months and I’m blown away by their intelligence, passion and focus. They’re finding value in having a dedicated space to share, learn and grow together, and you’ll soon be invited to join them.

This month, I’ll be opening the Collective for a limited time to more communications professionals. Stay tuned for more details and get ready to secure your spot in this transformative program!