What they said

CORPORATE MESSAGING FOR COMMUNICATORS 5 Months | Online Learning | Live Monthly Mentoring

I thrive on big picture thinking and have seen how doing so has helped me position myself as a trusted advisor with clients, demonstrate the power of public relations to have broader impact on organizations, and increase revenue!

I want that for you, too! 

I created this program because messaging and target audiences are the two most critical pieces of any communications plan. I believe we should all know how to do this work.

Messaging workshops are powerful and highly effective. The beauty of my process is that it requires the input and active participation of staff from a cross-section of departments. You're not developing one-off "talking points" in a vacuum.

The program includes short online videos and live weekly small-group (max. 5) mentoring meetings with me via Zoom.

With support and mentoring from me, you'll learn how to lead participants through the six-phase messaging framework I use successfully with my own clients.

The magic is in the process: With your guidance, they'll brainstorm, prioritize and agree on the most impactful messages that highlight the best and brightest aspects of the organization. They'll leave more aligned and clear about how to communicate about the company or nonprofit. And you'll cement your role as an invaluable communications advisor!

By the end of our time together, you'll…

Build a purposeful, expansive, and lucrative PR business by offering strategic messaging sessions that let you play in your zone of genius, minimize PR busywork, and have energy for the other important areas of your life

Master a rock star, six-phase framework that closes gaps in your clients’ message development and adds meaningful revenue to your business

Eliminate lingering self-doubt that senior leaders will question the impact of your work

Cultivate an unshakeable sense of self-trust so you consistently ask for the premium fees you know your work is worth

Increase revenue with a transformational workshop you can deliver again and again

Pour all of your desire to use communications to make a difference in the world into a workshop that leaves employees feeling valued, heard and engaged

Harness your naturally strategic brain and passion for making the world a better place to help companies create clearer, more aligned and authentic messaging they can use wherever they communicate, market, or sell

I look forward to working with you!

What You Will Learn


How to do the simple, cost- effective "Three Cs" research on your company, customers, and competitors to ensure you have the insights you need to facilitate a great corporate messaging workshop.


The six-phase strategic messaging framework you'll use to lead a cross-departmental session, how to get leadership buy-in, details on who should participate and why, logistics, warm-up exercises, conversation cues to get the group talking, helpful downloadable files, and much more!

Next Steps

How to close out the workshop and use the great insights that spring from it to create corporate messages all staff can use to tell the organization's most impactful stories with language and positioning that is consistent, clear, and aligned.

5 months, bite-sized
lessons + mentoring!

  • 1 Month 1 is about getting buy-in from senior leaders so you're confident and clear advising the need for a cross-departmental corporate messaging session and why it is the single most important communications planning activity they can do for their brand.
  • 2 Next you’ll learn the “3 Cs” of research (company, competitor and customer) to ensure you’re prepared to communicate the value of the sessions and facilitate them with real-world insights. This module includes the resources you need to complete the research including questions to ask, stakeholders to engage and the ideal method to use, along with templates to house the information.
  • 3 We then focus on how to get participants to do target audience work in advance so they start thinking before the session about who they should be communicating to for the next 1-2 years.
  • 4 Next, we get to the 6-phase framework you’ll use to help participants brainstorm, prioritize, and agree on the ideal messaging for their organization. You'll learn how to begin the session, navigate challenging scenarios and what to do afterward.
  • 5 Finally, you’ll learn the next steps, including drafting the initial outline, writing the corporate messages and implementing them throughout the organization so your clients have aligned, consistent messaging everywhere they communicate!

Course curriculum

How You Are Supported


Online coaching sessions offering more individualized support as you prepare, facilitate your workshop, and begin to execute the results! Features in-depth communications topics, Q&A based on your needs, and a chance to learn from others!

helpful templates

Documents you'll need before, during and after the workshop for research, getting buy-in from staff, target audience advance work, participant emails, next steps, and more that you can modify to your heart's content.


An invitation to our communications tribe on Facebook. Ask questions, share experiences, discover best practices, and dive deeper into the messaging and communications issues challenging your organization.

The right person for the program will start generating $5K+ for every messaging session they lead. You should be able to add the sessions as a service offering immediately upon completion of the program.

Past clients have doubled or tripled their initial investment and led their own messaging session within a few weeks.

Am I A Good Fit?

You are perfect for this program if...

  • You're a motivated, get-it-done kind of PR, marketing or development professional with 10+ years of experience
  • You know corporate messaging is critical, but you need the knowledge, skills and a proven framework to confidently lead the process
  • You have current clients or work in an organization with access to senior leaders
  • You can take the rich body of information and committed coaching you'll get and implement with minimal guidance!

Apply for Corporate Messaging for Communicators

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